The Hosts

Matias Lorieri 罗意琛

Italian by birth, cosmopolitan by choice. Lived, studied & worked in seven countries across three continents. Passionate sales, strategy & marketing professional with a knack for foreign languages. Strong interest in cross-cultural matters, driven by his innate curiosity about the world that surrounds him. Martial-arts enthusiast & Hong Kong film aficionado. Loves 宵夜 'Siu yeh' & a few cups of aged ripe pu’er tea to go with his film nights.

Edwin Lo 盧俊

Second-generation Chinese American and former third-culture kid, caught between California and Hong Kong. Music business professional by day, budding Hong Kong movie fan by night. A lifelong metalhead with a big appetite for burritos and spring rolls. Hoping that his co-host, Matias, will go easy on him as he treads the path to Hong Kong film enlightenment.